Tag Archives: Matthew 8:24

Jesus slept

n21“Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat.  But Jesus was sleeping.”  Matthew 8:24

(Verse chosen from today’s Bible reading – Matthew 8-10)

Life is filled with storms.

Oftentimes we don’t expect them.  The Sea of Galilee (where the storm in this verse happened) was notorious for quick, violent storms.  Calm went to very dangerous in a hurry.

The beauty of this verse is that Jesus is in the middle of this particular storm.  Verses afterwards speak of the frightened disciples fearful of death.

But in their midst Jesus is asleep!  And He is sleeping so soundly that He needs to be awakened from it to be alerted to the storm raging around Him.

Once awakened, Jesus will calm the Sea of Galilee and cause His disciples to marvel.

When Jesus is with me, the storms I face must lose their fear effect.  I must trust Him.  I must realize that there is nothing beyond His control.  The disciples didn’t realize in the storm at sea that Jesus had control over everything.  I often am forgetful in the same way.

“Lord, enlarge my trust.  Forgive me for minimizing You in any situation.  Help me to hold tight to You as a 24/7 habit.  Then when a storm shows up I’m already in the attached mode.  Forgive me for trying to function apart from You.  I need You every second.  Guide me, O thou great Jehovah!”

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